Hereby we inform the candidates who have passed the professional exam for conducting insurance agency or brokerage activities, that the following documents are to be submitted for the issuance of authorisations, pursuant to Articles 60 and 71 of the Law on Insurance (Official Gazette of Montenegro, 78/06 and 19/07):
- Application for issuing the authorisation for conducting insurance agency or brokerage activities (it can be downloaded from the website or collected at the Agency’s premises);
- Identity document certified copy;
- Proof of full business capacity (to be issued by the Centre for Social Works);
- Proof of passed professional exam (Certificate);
- Proof that the person has not been imposed a safety measure or prohibitory injunction against conducting the activity (certificate issued by the regional misdemeanour authority);
- Proof that the person has not been sentenced for any property crimes or commercial crimes with imprisonment exceeding 3 months (to be issued by the Police Administration);
- Proof of payment made: The fee for issuing of the authorisation amounts to €100, and is to be paid to the account of the Insurance Supervision Agency: CRNOGORSKA KOMERCIJALNA BANKA AD Podgorica; account number: 510-20252-06, with the following reference: naknada za izdavanje ovlašćenja (the fee for issuing of the authorization).