The insurance companies, auditors of their financial reports, institutions for accounting and auditing, and other interested parties, are hereby invited to take part in the public consultations concerning the Draft Chart of Accounts for Insurance Companies and Draft Rulebook on the Manner of Valuation of Assets of Insurance Companies.
All comments, remarks, proposal, and suggestions concerning the draft Chart of Accounts and draft Rulebook on the Manner of Valuation of Assets of Insurance Companies are to be submitted to the Insurance Supervision Agency, at the following address: Podgorica, Kralja Nikole 27a/III, fax no: 020/442-830 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The public consultations are open from 1 March to 30 March 2010.
Here you can download draft documents: Pravilnik o kontnom okviru društva za osiguranje and Pravilnik o načinu procjenjivanja aktive društva za osiguranje.