Hereby we inform the candidates who have applied to take a professional exam for conducting insurance intermediary activities, that the exam is to take place on 6 December 2009 in the Hall 1 (ground floor) of the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica starting at 15:00.
All candidates are kindly asked to bring along their identity cards or passports for identification purposes.
Furthermore, for avoidance of any misunderstandings, interested parties are hereby informed that the insurance intermediary activities may be carried out only after an authorization for conduct of such activities is obtained, which is subject to the submission of a request to the Agency after the professional examination has been passed, along with the documentation prescribed in Article 56 or 71 of the Insurance Law. The fee in of €100 is to be paid for issuing of the authorisation, pursuant to the Decision on Fees of the Insurance Supervision Agency (Official Gazette of Montenegro 04/08).