The President of the Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency will take part at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors – IAIS, to take place in the period from 27 to 29 October 2010 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
ANO news
Notification on taking the professional exam for conducting insurance brokerage or insurance agency activities
Pursuant to Articles 60 and 71 of the Law on Insurance (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No 78/06) and the Rulebook on the Content and the Manner of Taking the Professional Exam for Conducting Insurance Brokerage or Agency Activities (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No 47/09), the Insurance Supervision Agency hereby issues the:
Notification: Staff of the Insurance Supervision Agency attended the study tour visit to MFSA
Staff of the Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro participated at the study tour visit to the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA).
Notification: Wiener Stadtische životno osiguranje (life insurance) AD issued with the license
The Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency adopted the Decision on Issuing the License for carrying out of insurance operations to the joint stock company Wiener Städtische Podgorica on its session held on 20 September 2010.
Results of repeated taking of the professional exam for conducting insurance brokerage or insurance agency activities
Notification of the Insurance Supervision Agency
The Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency adopted the Instruction on the Manner of Electronic Submission of Data Provided by Insurance Company to the Insurance Supervision Agency on its 46th session held on 29 June 2010.
Notification on Repeated Taking of the Professional Exam for Conducting Insurance Agency and Brokerage Activities which was held on 25 May 2010
The candidates, who were scored with “not passed” for a maximum of two subjects in the examination held on 25 May 2010, can take a repeated professional exam for conducting insurance agency or brokerage activities.
Results of taking the Professional Exam for conduct of insurance brokerage or agency activities held on 25 May 2010
Notification for Candidates who have Applied to Take Professional Exam
Hereby we inform the candidates who have applied to take a professional exam for conducting insurance intermediary activities, that the exam is to take place on 25 May 2010 in the Hall 1 (ground floor) of the Law Faculty in Podgorica starting at 17:30.
Statement: the Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro and Insurance Supervision Agency of Macedonia signed the Memorandum of Understanding
Today in Podgorica, the President of the Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency, Vladimir Kavarić PhD and President of the Council of Experts of the Insurance Supervision Agency of Macedonia, Klime Poposki, have signed the Memorandum of Understanding.