
ANO news

Kick-off conference on the official start of the Twinning project ‘Support to Regulation of Financial Services’

With regard to the official start of the Twinning project ‘Support to Regulation of Financial Services’, the Kick-off conference was held with the aim to present the project to all the stakeholders in the financial system of Montenegro, and also to the general public. The conference was held on 27 June, 2018 with the official start at 6 P.M. in CentreVille hotel in Podgorica.

The Twinning project ‘Support to Regulation of Financial Services’ is financed by the European Union and its goal is to further harmonize the legislation in financial services field with the Union regulations and to strengthen regulatory and supervisory capacities. The beneficiary institutions in the project are: the Insurance Supervision Agency,  Central bank of Montenegroand Capital Market Authority and. The project will last 24 months and will be realized in cooperation with the consortium consisting of the, , the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA), De Nederlandsche bank,l  Bundesbank and  Croatian National bank.

1 Bilja

Here you can download the speech of Ms. Biljane Pantović, Director in Insurance Supervision Agency

2 Ivana

Here you can download the speech of Ms.Ivana Saranovic Jovicevic, Deputy Director in Insurance Supervision Agency


Sixth regional meeting CESEE ISI will be hosted by Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro

Sixth regional meeting Insurance Supervision Initiative of the Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CESEE ISI) will be hosted by Insurance Supervision Agency of Montenegro in Pržno, on 8 October, 2013. The meeting will attend 35 participants from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Poland,Serbia, Slovakia,Slovenia and Montenegro.

Results of the Professional Exam for Conducting Insurance Brokerage or Insurance Agency Activities

Candidates who have taken the professional exam for conducting insurance brokerage or insurance agency activities on Friday, 30 November 2012, may view the results of the exam here.

Candidates may inspect their own work and lodge a written objection to the examination commission, addressed to the president of the commission, by no later than 11 December 2012. A time for inspecting the test needs to be arranged in advance with the secretary of the commission, Marija Manojlović, at telephone number 020/235-564.

Candidates in the list for retaking the exam are hereby invited to follow the information published on the website of the Agency to be informed about the next term dates.

Notification on taking the professional exam for conducting insurance brokerage or insurance agency activities

Candidates who have applied to take the professional exam for conducting insurance brokerage or insurance agency activities are hereby notified that the exam is to take place on Friday, 30 November 2012, at 17:00 in the Amphitheater A2 (second floor) of the University of Donja Gorica (UDG) in Donja Gorica, Podgorica.

The list of candidates who met the requirements to take the professional exam as set forth by the Rulebook on the Contents and Manner of Taking Professional Exam for Conducting Insurance Brokerage or Insurance Agency Activities can be downloaded here .